Should I renovate my kitchen?

Hi dear friends, today we are going to talk about kitchen. It is one of the most important parts of every house or apartment. Whole family gathers there for breakfast before work and school - and housewife usually spend most of her daytime there. So the question that everyone should ask himself (or herself) is: if my kitchen is not as bright and shiny as you want it to be, should I renovate my kitchen? Should I change it to make it be more comfortable, to make it better? 
Well, let us try to find out (little spoiler: yes, absolutely!).

As I said already, kitchen is very important place for each family. So it is very important that it have to be very comfortable.

Let's describe the situation: your family moved into the old house with shabby kitchen, there is no comfort there at all. Oven is ancient and works badly, it only warms your food - and if you are setting pie little lower trying to make it cook - it burns to crispy black crust in no time. Water is rusty - and sometimes it is no water in basin mixer at all. Moreover, drainer sink is culled and pipe cleaner don't help at all.
And that is only the beginning. There is no microwave - and no place for it at all. Table is small and stools are curved and uncomfortable. Such kitchen will be a place of terror, torture room for every family member (especially for one who will try to cook there). 
And of course this kitchen is very small - so no place to move, no place to seat for the whole family, no place even to put all purchases from the grocery store!
What will be in result? Housewife will be nervous all the time, her dishes will be not as tasty as usual (and some of them will be a blatant failure). She will ask her husband to fix this or that thing all the time, distracting him from other things to do. Scandals and cries will appear instead of harmony and happiness. It may even become family breaker!
Does it really worth it? No, of course it is not!

But what should you do if you really have such kitchen (or it matches at least some of the criteria described in the example above)? 
What you don't have to do is to sit and let the situation rule you. Changes are necessary, changes to your kitchen are suggesting themselves and they are urgent. What changes? First, read about kitchen possibilities, and in my next articles I am going to describe what options do you have to get rid of the garbage and make a dream kitchen from current not-so-dream one.

Good luck, my friends!


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